What agency will you use for your adoption?

This is something that we have thought long and hard about. When we first started this process, we felt that we needed to adopt an older child (between 3-5). So, we knew we would do our homestudy through LDS Family Services and have them release it to Idaho Health & Welfare. We choose to do it this way because we thought the homestudy through LDS Family Services was less expensive; however we recently learned that doing our home study through H&W is less expensive. So, why not go through H&W? Well, when we learned that it was cheaper I (Elaine) thought that myself, but after thinking about it some more it just didn't feel right. I felt that we need to begin with LDS Family Services like we originally planned.

So, for now that is what we will do. Again, being sure to pay attention to any promptings from the Lord. We have learned through everything that we have experienced He is over all.

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