What's the difference between an "Open" and "Closed" Adoption?

An open adoption not only allows for birth parents and adoptive couples to meet prior to placement, but it also allows them to continue communication after the baby has been placed. With an open adoption, it also helps the baby to know who is birth parents are. The birth parents are talked about. The birth parents are not anonymous to the child they placed. Both LDS Family services and H&W encourage open adoptions; however the level of open adoption is entirely up to us.

Closed adoption is the exact opposite of an open adoption. While the child may know that they were adopted, they do not know their birth mother. There is no communication (of any kind) between the birth parents and adoptive couple. When you hear of adoptees looking to make contact with their birth parents, more often then not their adoption was a closed adoption. With open adoptions, the adoptee already has contact with their birth parents(s).

It seems that closed adoptions are a thing of the past, but they still do happen.

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